Ep. 55: Getting Swole Is Swell – the benefits of gaining muscle on your life

It’s time for some real talk ladies, we all need to be strength training. I don’t want to hear about feeling bulky (that takes a LOT of work and specific dedication). I am here to tell you that strength training, and specifically getting stronger is a fantastic way to improve your life. Will it solve everything? Absolutely not, but in this episode, I discuss a few of the ways that being stronger will make your life straight up better, including:

  • You’ll burn more calories
  • You’ll need to eat more calories (YASS, food)
  • Those tight muscles will start to loosen and you can alleviate a lot of pain
  • You’ll be able to function a lot better at your day to day tasks (picking up kids, anyone?)
  • And with all of that, you’ll get an insane confidence boost just because of how capable and awesome you’ll feel
  • And more!

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