Is Prenatal Yoga Better Than Regular Yoga for Pregnant Women?

legs up the wall during prenatal yoga

You want the quick version of this blog post? Yes. Phew! Now that’s all set, we can go back to what we were doing and I can save myself a few hundred words. Have a nice day, and book prenatal yoga right here. Oh, you wanted to know “why?” Oh, sure I can tell you […]

What Is Prenatal Yoga and Do You Really Need It?

prenatal yoga class

When I say prenatal yoga, most people assume I mean one of two things. Either they think of pregnant ladies with huge bellies doing crazy handstands and backbends. Or they hear “prenatal yoga” and think gentle, easy, stretching class. In reality, prenatal yoga isn’t either of these things. What is prenatal yoga? Prenatal yoga is, […]

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