Having someone come into your home for a private fitness session can feel awkward the first time. If you’re anything like me, your instinct might be to power-clean your house and take measures to make your “guest” as comfortable as possible.
I am here to tell you to put down the vacuum! Your only job when we are working together is to make yourself as comfortable as possible. For this one hour of the day, you get to be taken care of instead of taking care of everyone else.
Here are a few things you might want to do to get ready for our first session together:
- Designate your workout spot: It doesn’t need to be large, but you’ll want a space big enough to unroll your mat with a free foot or two on each side. I do not need a mat, so don’t worry about having space for two. We can work outside or inside, as you prefer.
- Keep your pets out of the workout space: I love furry friends, so it’s no problem at all if your over-excited pup meets me at the door. However, you might want to be able to close off your exercise space from any cats or dogs, who will love to climb all over you and your mat when you get on the floor.
- Get the kids ready: Do your best to get baby down for a nap shortly before our appointment time. (Of course, babies have a way of sidetracking the best laid plans, so we’ll work with the little one if they need to be a part of our session.) For older kids, a babysitter is a good idea, so that you can truly relax rather than worrying why they suddenly got so suspiciously quiet.
- Have your supplies: The only equipment you need to have is a yoga or exercise mat; I will provide everything else. However, you may wish to purchase your own props to use when we’re not together. (Here’s what I recommend.) Other optional supplies would be a small hand towel, eye mask, and water. You do not need shoes.
- Turn off the notifications: Put your phone on “do not disturb” when I arrive, turn off the TV, and shut down any other distractions. Make sure your family understands that during this time, you’re not to be disturbed. It will be hard the first time, but with practice, they will get used to not having you available.
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